Crate bytemuck

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This crate gives small utilities for casting between plain data types.


Data comes in five basic forms in Rust, so we have five basic casting functions:

Depending on the function, the NoUninit and/or AnyBitPattern traits are used to maintain memory safety.

Historical Note: When the crate first started the Pod trait was used instead, and so you may hear people refer to that, but it has the strongest requirements and people eventually wanted the more fine-grained system, so here we are. All types that impl Pod have a blanket impl to also support NoUninit and AnyBitPattern. The traits unfortunately do not have a perfectly clean hierarchy for semver reasons.


Some casts will never fail, and other casts might fail.

  • cast::<u32, f32> always works (and f32::from_bits).
  • cast_ref::<[u8; 4], u32> might fail if the specific array reference given at runtime doesn’t have alignment 4.

In addition to the “normal” forms of each function, which will panic on invalid input, there’s also try_ versions which will return a Result.

If you would like to statically ensure that a cast will work at runtime you can use the must_cast crate feature and the must_ casting functions. A “must cast” that can’t be statically known to be valid will cause a compilation error (and sometimes a very hard to read compilation error).

§Using Your Own Types

All the functions listed above are guarded by the Pod trait, which is a sub-trait of the Zeroable trait.

If you enable the crate’s derive feature then these traits can be derived on your own types. The derive macros will perform the necessary checks on your type declaration, and trigger an error if your type does not qualify.

The derive macros might not cover all edge cases, and sometimes they will error when actually everything is fine. As a last resort you can impl these traits manually. However, these traits are unsafe, and you should carefully read the requirements before using a manual implementation.

§Cargo Features

The crate supports Rust 1.34 when no features are enabled, and so there’s cargo features for thing that you might consider “obvious”.

The cargo features do not promise any particular MSRV, and they may increase their MSRV in new versions.

  • derive: Provide derive macros for the various traits.
  • extern_crate_alloc: Provide utilities for alloc related types such as Box and Vec.
  • zeroable_maybe_uninit and zeroable_atomics: Provide more Zeroable impls.
  • wasm_simd and aarch64_simd: Support more SIMD types.
  • min_const_generics: Provides appropriate impls for arrays of all lengths instead of just for a select list of array lengths.
  • must_cast: Provides the must_ functions, which will compile error if the requested cast can’t be statically verified.
  • const_zeroed: Provides a const version of the zeroed function.



  • allocationextern_crate_alloc
    Stuff to boost things in the alloc crate.
  • Checked versions of the casting functions exposed in crate root that support CheckedBitPattern types.


  • Find the offset in bytes of the given $field of $Type. Requires an already initialized $instance value to work with.


  • The things that can go wrong when casting between Pod data forms.



Derive Macros§

  • Derive the AnyBitPattern trait for a struct
  • ByteEqderive
    Derive the PartialEq and Eq trait for a type
  • ByteHashderive
    Derive the Hash trait for a type
  • Derive the CheckedBitPattern trait for a struct or enum.
  • Derive the Contiguous trait for an enum
  • NoUninitderive
    Derive the NoUninit trait for a struct or enum
  • Podderive
    Derive the Pod trait for a struct
  • Derive the TransparentWrapper trait for a struct
  • Zeroablederive
    Derive the Zeroable trait for a type.